Midnight Mass News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's, as we celebrate this Midnight Mass of Christmas. A special welcome to our celebrant Fr Paul, to whom we are deeply indebted for his unfailing support during this time of interregnum. If you are new to St Michael's and can't at first find your way around the service booklet or hymn book, please don't hesitate to seek help from a neighbour!

Our Carol Service last Sunday saw us welcoming (despite the weather) a number of old friends: former organist Gareth, several former choir members and some familiar faces in the congregation. Thank you to everyone who took part, in whatever capacity: to Fr Paul for leading the service, to Gareth and Catherine for gathering the singers together and rehearsing them, to the readers, to Sue for generously providing the festive refreshments and to Margaret for helping her serve them. Thank you all for giving us that lovely preparation for Christmas, combining quiet reflection and happy conviviality.

Still on a musical note, warmest thanks to Malcolm, who is playing the organ at this Mass and has been indefatigable in his support on Sundays ever since the spring. Tomorrow morning Malcolm will have a well-earned rest, and for our morning Mass we shall have recorded music kindly provided by Martyn; so grateful thanks also to Martyn!

Together is an informative and readable FREE newspaper produced three times a year by The Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda, to which our parish is affiliated. The latest issue has arrived and is at the back of the church – why not take a copy home, and get a sense of what is going on in Society parishes elsewhere, and what The Society is contributing to the life of the Church of England? It can be all too easy to develop a kind of tunnel vision and lose sight of the bigger picture. Could we pray more for the clergy and people of other parishes, in this country and abroad, and for those who make decisions affecting the wider Church?

From our Tower: It was wonderful to hear St Michael's bells in action just before the Carol Service! A team of heroic ringers got here, despite the perilous weather conditions, and the sound filled us with joyous anticipation. Thank you, everyone.

Kent County Association

Maidstone, Kent

St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 18 December 2022 in 43m (6–1–24 in C)

1344 Double Norwich Court Bob Major

1 Mark Elvers

2 Rona Joiner

3 Jacqueline Barlow

4 Paul Barton

5 Janice Byrne

6 Philip Jarvis

7 Pam Thomas

8 Neil Jones (C)

Rung prior to the Carol Service.

Late extra – Another Thank You, this time to Treasurer Nelly, who in the autumn spent considerable time and effort in dealing with a complicated form about the church heating. The result has been a grant from the Diocese to help with our energy costs! This has just arrived in the bank, and we all have cause to be grateful for Nelly's initiative and diligence.

A very happy and blessed Christmas to all our readers!

May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Mary and Joseph, and the peace of the Christ Child be ours this Christmas and always.
